Service Area

As stated on my home page, I provide plumbing repairs and maintenance within 5 miles of Salisbury.

Because demand for my services exceeds what I can take on, I have to be very selective in what I do take on, and I am selective in two ways. Firstly, I focus on small repairs and maintenance jobs that are chargeable by the hour, and I avoid larger jobs that need quoting for. Secondly, I limit my service area to within a 5 mile radius of Salisbury, and charge extra to go beyond that.

Within that radius, I charge £75 for the first hour, and thereafter an hourly rate of £60 per hour. £75 for the first hour equates to a £15 callout charge (to account for an average travel time between jobs of about 15 minutes) plus a one-hour minimum labour charge at my hourly rate of £60.

If I go beyond a 5 mile radius of Salisbury, I increase my callout according to the amount of time that Google Maps says it takes to travel to your location from the centre of Salisbury. So if it takes 25 minutes, for example, then my callout charge would be £15 + £25 = £40, and so my first hour would cost £40 + £60 = £100. For jobs exceeding 2 hours, it would be £25 + £60/hr. If the jobs involves more than one visit, the extra £25 (in this example) is chargeable per visit.

The I hope that makes sense.

I don't often go more than 10 miles from Salisbury.


This week is now full. Next week I still have time on Tuesday 25th. The following week, starting Monday 3rd, I am available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Hamish the Plumber
16 Ashlands, Salisbury, SP4 6DY
Hamish the Plumber
16 Ashlands, Salisbury, SP4 6DY

Web design by Hamish? Och aye! That too.
© 2020 Hamish Erskine, h@htp

Web design by Hamish? Och aye! That too.
© 2020 Hamish Erskine, h@htp